So my estimate of about an hour's work would have been correct for a straight out of the box build but for a wheels up version with a fully painted pilot it'll take a bit longer. Closer to two hours at the moment and I still haven't worked out how to get the landing gear to fit into the body in a way that doesn't stick out all over the place or fall in too far. Another thing I noticed is that it's best to switch parts 11 and 12 from one wing to the other - either the instructions are mislabled or I was reading it totally wrong but the flaps just seem to fit better on the opposite wing. No pictures of progress, but here's the sprue anyway:
You can clearly see that there are bugger all parts here.
Problems with the wheels? I will have mine up to, will take a look at it now.
ReplyDeleteNah, I've left the wheels off entirely as they seem a bit thick to get in there. It's more a matter of fitting both doors in without having a bit sticking up or the whole lot falling in. Might be time to break out the old pollyfilla.
DeleteTwo hours! Take your time, the polyfiller will not even set properly in that time.
ReplyDeleteSteady progress.
I have a trick for that!
DeleteI put the pollyfilla in place, smooth it out etc, then put whatever it is on top of my external HDD and watch a movie. That thing gets pretty damn warm. By the time the movie is over it'll have set nicely.
You will be the death of me Arquinsiel!
DeleteI hear that a lot.
DeleteRe the wheels up, I think Nick has suggested a bit of card/plasticard underneath the two parts in order to keep them more neatly together- hope that makes sense. It's not as bad as it first seems, just a bit fiddly.
ReplyDeleteI could get the two doors to stick together, it was just then impossible to get them to stick in place right. I'm going to try again now though.